GIP Event: The Future of the International System
On March 8th, I was fortunate enough to attend a glimpse of Dr. Anthony Arend's ingenious theory about the future of the International System. As a professor at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service, Dr. Arend decided to open up his audience to the high schoolers at Polytechnic to inform them about an unspoken, yet just as important facet of our society. Ever since its inception at the Peace of Westphalia Convention, international relations have been an integral part of our world's coexistence. Dr. Arend's goal currently is to inform students about the history of international relations and facilitate discussions about the current developements in international politics, now that very unpredictable figures have rose to power as 'actors,' a term Dr. Arend likes to use. These same unpredictable figures are the reason why Dr. Arend believes there is no trend in the future as their once was in the past. One of his most interesting points is the idea that all states in a cohort are to be united by a common theme; whether that be guarantee of human rights or pursuit of happiness, finding a common theme is hard to come by in our times. Thus, his theory proclaims that internatinal relations, as we know it, will return to a time of midieval anarchy. With the interesting topic and Dr. Arend's unique and capitvating presentation, I was able to find an interest in international relations and I am considering to follow this interest throughout the rest of my academic career. I believe many of my peers felt the same way throughout Dr. Arend's entire presentation and I believe he has the ability to motivate students not just to dialogue on difficult topics, but to also find a passion for learning something that may discourage most students. I am very glad Dr. Arend came to speak with us and I hope to see more of his work in the future!
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